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Cyber Monday Becoming Mobile Monday

m-commerce-growth.jpgIn the US the Monday after Thanksgiving has come to be known as Cyber Monday because of large amount of online sales that take place on this day.

But over the last few years, as consumers get more familiar with mobile technology, there has been an increase in mobile transactions on the Monday after Thanksgiving, thus giving way to the new term, Mobile Monday.

Here are some highlights on the growing trend of mobile commerce.

Reports from several companies confirmed this trend.

  • Of course the retailer that many people watch most closely is eBay. (see MobiAD article eBay’s Mobile Momentum). Data released by eBay Mobile shows that consumers spent two and a half time longer on their mobile site than they did on the same day last year.
  • Data released by IBM showed that 10.8% of visits to ecommerce sites originated from mobile and tablet devices compared to 3.9% last year. The IBM data also showed an increase in sales from mobile devices reaching 6.6% up from 2.3% last year.
  • mobile_monday.gifWhen it came to mobile payments, PayPal Mobile said that it saw a four-fold increase in the number of customers shopping through PayPal mobile, and a 552% year on year increase in payment volume on Cyber Monday.
  • E-commerce firm GSI Commerce reported a 374 percent increase in U.S. mobile sales for their clients between Cyber Monday 2010 and 2011.

“A new retail is emerging where online and offline shopping have merged due in large part to mobile technology and its continued growth,” said Steve Yankovich, eBay’s vice president for mobile. “eBay Inc. is enabling this new commerce landscape by helping holiday consumers shop anytime, anywhere.”

01.12.2011    Tags: , ,
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