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Forecast 2012: Smartphones to Overtake Feature Phones In US Market

android-or-iphone.jpgAn interesting white paper published by Media Buying platform Ads Mobi and written by mobile research company Mobile Squared has predicted that Smartphones will overtake Feature phones during 2012 in the US.

The paper predicted that by the end of 2012 smartphone penetration would represent 47% of the market compared to 37% in 2011 while Feature Phones will fall from a market share of 45% to 36%.


When it came to the types of devices, the report predicted that Android and iPhone devices would remain dominant:

  • There will be 42.98 million iPhones in the market in 2012 (up from 33.57 million in 2011)
  • There will be 80.5 million Android devices in the market in 2012 (up from 49 million in 2011)


This increase in adoption of Smartphones is also leading to a growth in the number of users using the mobile internet with 158.9 million (48% of the market) expected to be using it in 2012 compared to 129.99 million (41%) in 2011.


As a result of these increases, the advertising spend on mobile banners will increase from 439.97 million to 649.1 million in 2012. Interestingly the ad spend on mobile banners is starting slow down having increased by 72% in 2011, it is predicted to grow by 48% in 2012 suggesting that the marked is starting to mature.


The white paper also compares the situation in the US to the situation in the rest of the world.

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22.12.2011    Tags: , , ,
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