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FaceBook Revenue Growth
All Comes from Mobile Ads

facebook_profits2Facebook is one of the biggest technology success stories of the past decade – transforming from a social network with no apparent revenue model to a highly profitable, global phenomena.

In its last quarterly report, Facebook reported almost 1.5 billion monthly users, generating over $4 billion in revenue!

The amazing fact is that most of that revenue growth results from mobile advertising. more»

28.08.2015    Tags: , ,
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Millennials Demand Mobile Payments!

iphone_moneyMobile payments seems to have remained “on the horizon” for several years.

Products like Google-Wallet and NFC were supposed to have revolutionized payments by now, but have either faded into obscurity or are just now starting to make any serious inroads.

So the question one has to ask is – does anyone really want mobile payments?

The answer is a resounding YES, it is the Millennial generation that is likely to finally drive adoption of new payment technology.

20.12.2014    Tags: , ,
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Why Facebook’s “Buy Now” Button
is Destined to Fail

facebook_buy_button_logoLast week, Facebook announced it’s testing a new advertising unit in its Marketplace that will feature a “buy now” button in the ad.

It’s no secret that Facebook is a digital advertising behemoth. eMarketer predicts Facebook will serve over 21% of all mobile ads this year, which earns Facebook the number two spot in all digital ad sales, second only to Google.

That being said, Facebook “buy now” ads simply won’t work. Here’s why.
Industry Opinion by David Rekuc, Ripen eCommerce more»

01.08.2014    Tags: , , , ,
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