MobiAD Archives

Google Makes Major “Mobile-friendly” Change to Search Algorithms

googleSearchTopImageMost people know that Google uses a complex system to determine which results to show from a search query. What some people may not know is that this algorithm gets updated periodically.

In mid-April, Google implemented a major change, one that was focused on the mobile-readiness of websites.

While this may seem to be a small technicality, in fact it can have huge impact on anyone that depends on customers finding them through Google. more»
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Mobile Shoppers Worried about
Security of Apps

woman-enter-infoMost consumers these days are fairly comfortable shopping online, and storing their credit or debit card information for online payments.

However, these same consumers have not yet become comfortable with storing their card data in mobile apps. Concern about security of the apps has greatly limited their uptake. more»

28.04.2015    Tags: , ,
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