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Google tests AdSense for Mobile

In a long anticipated move, Google has started testing AdSense for mobile. AdSense is the program that allows publishers to include Google Ads on their site.

In typical Google fashion, they have started a beta program to test the service before going fully live. As reported in Search Engine Roundtable, Google has sent out emails to certain mobile publishers inviting them to the beta program:

“As part of our efforts to develop new and improved AdSense products for our partners, we will begin a limited beta test for AdSense for mobile. AdSense for mobile allows publishers to monetize their mobile websites through the placement of targeted text ads. Publishers can take advantage of the fast-growing mobile advertising market and benefit from our targeting technology.”

The entry of Google into mobile advertising may have a large impact: some competitors might be hurt, mobile ads might get more relevant (and therefore less intrusive), mobile publishers will have a better way to monetize their content, etc. This new industry development is being discussed on the MobiAD Forum.

There is also an FAQ section on the Google AdWords site that gives more detail about AdWord ads. Some of the interesting points from the FAQ:

  • What are Mobile Ads? Mobile ads are shorter text-based AdWord ads that appear on mobile websites or when users search Google from a mobile device. When users clicks on your mobile ad, you can send them to your mobile webpage or offer them the option to connect to your business phone.
  • What do mobile ads look like? Mobile ads contain two lines of text, with a limit of 12 or 18 characters per line, depending on the language in which you write your ad. Your destination URL appears on a third line if you choose to enter one. If you select the option that allows customers to directly connect to your business phone, a Call link will appear next to your destination URL.
  • Where will my ad appear? At this time, advertisers may target their mobile ads to any of the following countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Ireland, India, Russia and Australia. You can choose to show your ads to users on all mobile carriers, or you can target select carriers.
  • How much do mobile ads cost? As with standard text ads, each advertiser determines the cost of their own mobile ad campaign. Your price depends on the keywords on which you choose to advertise, how much you bid, and how successfully you design your ads. You set your own daily budget, which will control your overall spending. You are only charged when a user clicks on your ad or the click-to-call link in your ad. There is a nominal, one-time activation fee for Google AdWords, but there is never a minimum spending commitment.
  • How does this compare with standard internet Google text ads? Mobile ad bids may be slightly lower than those for standard text ads, but prices for individual keywords will vary. Mobile ads do not compete with standard text ads.

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