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Android Apps Get Ads From Quattro

quattro_android.gifQuattro Wireless, a leading premium mobile ad network, has released a new SDK (software development kit) which will allow developers of Android applications to easily integrate advertising into their apps.

Quattro has also released some data indicating that Android owners are very heavy users of mobile applications.

Lars Albright, Senior Vice President of Business Development for Quattro Wireless said, “Initial data from the Quattro Network shows that ads in Android applications drive click rates more than six times higher than what advertisers achieve from online advertising.”

Then talking about the growing presence of Android phones, Albright commented, “Sales of devices on the platform have increased approximately 900% over the past year and by the end of this year close to 20 new phones running the Android OS are expected to ship.”

Quattro also provided some market research data that indicates that Android owners are heavy users of mobile applications:

  • According to Google, the average G1 user has downloaded more than 40 applications from the
    Android market virtual storefront
  • According to T-Mobile, 80% of G1 users download at least one application per week.
  • According to Flurry, 35% percent of Android users can be defined as “heavy users,” using
    applications more than 50 times per month.

Read the full Quattro press release.

18.07.2009    Tags: , ,
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