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Nielsen Study Finds That Mobile Ads More Effective In Europe

kindle_reader.jpgAccording to a study by marketing research company Nielsen, mobile advertising is more effective in Europe than it is in the United States.

The findings showed that owners of tablets and smartphones in Italy, Germany and the UK were more likely to make a purchase online via their PC after seeing a mobile advert than their American counterparts.

Italians were more likely to click on ad or actively search to find out more about a business or product after seeing an advert for that product, while German smartphone owners were most likely to buy a product online, with 34% saying they’d made a purchase after seeing an advert.


Despite their low ranking, American tablet owners did however come out on top as being the most likely to use or request a coupon through an ad on their device.

As well as the differences between countries, the research showed vast differences within countries between users of tablets and smartphone users, with 24% of American tablet owners clicking on advert to view more information, while only 11% of smartphone users did the same.

14.03.2012    Tags: , , , , ,
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